
  The Becoming Of A Witch – Of Witches, Glam and Bling Bling   Magick – So you have decided to become a witch! You bought some black Gothic clothing, the jewelry to go along with it, and are proudly sporting your new pentagram around your neck. You are now ready to announce to the world, that you are ready to play Harry Potter! Let’s take this back a step: You are a good girl/boy from a great background and have been raised Christian or straight Catholic. You have looked at the f..cked up world of yours that you live in and decided it is not for you!!!  -YOU HAVE TURNED REBEL – Now let me get this straight: You have seen all of the Harry Potter Movies and are an excited and enthused fan of Charmed, you even watched Samantha do her cute nose wrinkle and think you can turn people into toads now by the snap of your finger, just as soon you read that little spellbook you bought! Oh, you feel fantastic and strong and that idiot down the lane, that has been a nuisance to you most of your mis
  And How Was Your Day? Of God-Fearing Witches And Pagans Not your typical blog about Witchcraft What The Hell Is A Witch And What Is a Pagan? What Is The difference anyway? Are Witches Pagans And Pagans Witches? And If You Are A Witch, Are You Good Or Evil? How Do I know You Will Not Turn Me Into A Toad If You Feel Like It?                Questions Over Questions Since Harry Potter came out, a new generation and big boom of newly self-discovered witches followed. There are The Shamans, The Druids, The Wicca Witches, The Bling-Bling and Glam Witches, The Eclectic Witches, The Free-Flying Witches without a Coven, The Solitary Witches, The Grey Witches, The White and Black Witches, The Hekatean Witches, The Hoodoo and Voodoo Witches, The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn – Witches, everywhere you look. Wow, so much Magick everywhere, yet our world is still in Chaos. Hmmm… The problem is, that many have not understood, that being a witch means more than doing some Hula Hula at their Magic
                     The Becoming Of Loki It was a rather cold day about 3 years ago and I was working at an animal sanctuary at the time. The stories of some of the dogs and cats were very heartbreaking and new ones were being dumped on a daily basis in every imaginable rice field or near the sanctuary on the open roads. The sanctuary was already way overcrowded, but the number of newbies was growing almost daily. We had some volunteers arrive from Germany and it seemed to be just another day at the rescue. Everyone was going about their business and doing their daily chores when a truck arrived with dark blue plastic covering a cage and rope tied around it. It was driven by a farm worker who was performing her daily duties in a rice field and came across this big, in a plastic wrapped package. She usually would have not paid more attention to it, because things like that are found on a daily basis, but this package made weak, little noises and when she peeked t